Ownership of the Rituals

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The actual title of the essay was:

The solution is not merely the inclusion of women or married persons into the existing caste of the ordained. It rests rather in the entire community’s discovery of its priesthood and its capacity to take responsible ownership of the rituals. (Gerard Pottebaum)
Discuss with reference to the emergence of the liturgical ministries since Vatican II.

As I was writing two essays for each term, this was one of the essays I wrote quickly, because I had spent far to much time on the other one. I can't remember think much about this one, just reading, summarising and writing.

My mark for this essay was 58%.

Essay Index
Discovery of its Priesthood
Re-Discovering the Ministries of the New Testament
There is Neither Male Nor Female
Teacher, Sanctifier and Leader
Emergence of the Liturgical Ministries
Taking Responsible Ownership

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