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The actual title of the essay was:

How do Old and New Testament writers define the relationship between God and his people in the light of the Exodus?
Does the Exodus event have significance for Christians today?

This was another of the essays that I enjoyed writing. I also really enjoyed the lectures by Wendy at Wesley. I really tried to put my own understanding down and this essay is probably the closest I got to doing that well. This was also the only essay to get moderated down not up, as it was originally marked at 67%. I know I learnt a lot studying the Bible for this essay.

My mark for this essay was 58%.

Essay Index
Introduction – From Slaves to Servants to Sons
- The relationship between God and his People
- Exodus and today’s Christians
Authorship and style
- Literary Genres
- True or Exact
- The Whole Truth
- Who wrote Exodus? - Pentateuchal Tradition
- Who wrote the New Testament?
Defining the Relationship
- Passover
- The song of Moses and Miriam
- Manna and Quails
- Hardening of hearts – 40 years
- Law, Worship and Relationship
In Summary
- Exodus - Who’s Book is it ?
- Significance today

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