The Ordinary of the Mass

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The actual title of the essay was:

Discuss the origins, development and functions of the Ordinary of the Mass (Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus, Benedictus, and Agnus Dei) and how we can encourage full conscious and active participation through music.

Music is one of my week spots. I really love the classics like Bruce Springsteen and Bon Jovi, but if you ask me to sing or to tell you if one note is high than another then I haven’t got a clue. I really didn’t get on well with our music weekend on the liturgy course and had a great deal of trouble writing these essays. I spent hours in Wesley library speed reading books and hoping that some of what I read would help me with the 2 music essays I had to write. I did in fact learn a lot and even though the marks for both essays are low I am very proud of them.

My mark for this essay was 49%.

Essay Index
Introduction – Participation through Music
The Origins of the Ordinary
- The Kyrie
- The Gloria
- The Credo
- The Sanctus & Benedictus
-- The Sanctus
-- The Benedictus
- The Agnus Dei
The Development of the Ordinary
- Seventh to Tenth Century
- Guido D’Arezzo
- From Participation to Performance
- The Council of Trent
- Johann Sebastian Bach
- Motu Proprio
- Vatican II
- Mass for the armed Man
Active Participation through Music

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